Sunday, May 29, 2011

Balance of Power

You'd think from the title of the post that I'd be ranting about politics.  Not this time...

I'm talking about Power - oil Power, gas Power, coal Power, electrical Power! Messages bombard us about Power.  Buy a Hybrid.  Go even further - buy an electric car.  Coal is America's power.  Natural gas is the way forward.  Cut our dependence on foreign oil.  If you have investments, you probably OWN an energy company.  (Really?)   Even "unplug your phone charger" because that wastes too much Power!

I try to do my part.  Wherever it's feasible, I've done "the conversion".  I'm using the squiggly cfl bulbs all over the place.  I'd guess that 90% of the bulbs in the house are low-energy at this point, especially in the areas where lights are on for long periods.  I turn up the thermostat in the summer to save energy (and money).  I turn down the heat in winter.  I put my phone charger on a power strip so I can turn it off during the day.  I haven't purchased a gas-saver vehicle yet, but it's not for desire - just lack of funds.

So what my problem?  CITY LIGHTS.

How come I drive around my area at night and it's lit like... what?  A Christmas tree?  Sure, especially around the strip malls, with bright blinking colorful lights which are on all night.  A runway?  You bet - I could walk down the major streets at 3am and read a book.  Whenever I'm out, I see at least one driver cruising along that doesn't even know they don't have their headlights on.  Usually more. 

Who is all that light meant to benefit?  There's not that many on the road at 3 in the morning. Who PAYS for all that light that goes to waste?  We do.  Higher power costs.  Higher retail costs.  Higher local, county, state, and federal budgets!

During WWII, there were "blackouts".  People covered up their windows with shades, the street lights went out, and people drove with little "slits" on their headlights so that we couldn't be found and bombed.  People survived. We probably don't have to go that far, but....

Can't we unscrew, unplug, turn off, whatever - just a few and save everyone, and the environment, some cost?


  1. have wondered the same thing myself , why do ined to know where the Sprint store is a 3 am ?

  2. I've driven without my headlights at night without knowing it. It's startling when you turn onto a darker street and there's no headlight glow!
