Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 7 2011 Republican debate recap

Just a few thoughts:

I'm not sure anyone is really too concerned on how many kids each of the candidates have.  "Sorry, girls, he's married."

I couldn't help but notice the general lack of flag lapel pins, once the hallmark of being a "true patriot".  Obviously these people are terrorists.  I never could tell what that huge thing was that Michele Bachmann had pinned on - maybe a really small Bible?

And what's with all the blue ties?  Really?  Only old school folks Newt Gingrich and special guest Nancy Reagan were caught wearing red - although Newt's was a rather muted shade.  Santorum wore a pink tie, which he has done a fair amount on the campaign trail.  Is he trying to tell us something regarding his homophobia?  It is vaguely triangular.

Being under that huge old Air Force One plane, I couldn't help think of the symbolism of flying an airplane into a building.  Funny that everyone on stage has to stare at the back end of it.  Probably an inside joke by Ronny.

Overall, I came away thinking that John Huntsman and Newt Gingrich were the most sane and reasonable candidates on the stage. That's a low bar.

For anyone who missed it:

"Blah, blah, blah Obama blah blah jobs blah blah Obamacare blah blah regulations blah blah economy blah blah me me me I me me I me blah America."

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