Friday, June 29, 2012

Objecting to DoleORomneyCare - pt 4: A New Low

What they're saying isn't the truth, but the fact that they are saying it is...

Objecting to Dolebamacare, pt 3

"With regards to the mandate, the 'Individual Responsibility' program which I proposed, I was very pleased to see that the compromise from the two houses includes the 'personal responsibility' principle.  That is essential for bringing health costs down for everyone and getting everybody the health insurance they deserve and need.  So I was very, very pleased with that development."  - Miit Romney, March 2006

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Objecting to Obamacare, pt 2

"In 1993, 23 Republican senators, including then-Minority Leader Robert Dole, cosponsored a bill introduced by Senator John Chafee that sought to achieve universal coverage through a mandate that is, a mandate on individuals to buy insurance."   - Just Google the whole quote.

Blame the Democratic-led congress for passing what the Republicans wanted 20 years earlier, but don't blame Obama for the idea...

Maybe we should call it Dolebamacare.

Objecting to Obamacare, pt 1

I'm sure I will come up with other things to say on the subject so I'll call this part 1.
I'm glad they upheld Obamacare.  The republicans can object all they want, but this was their idea in the first place.  Does anyone even remember the ninety's?   And Romney doesn't have a leg to stand on.  Screw all his talk about the forefathers, he is the one who put this into Massachusetts.  Try to imagine what his response would be if all the sudden the polls said that everyone liked Obamacare.  He would take full credit for that faster than he took false credit for saving the auto industry.

As for the decision itself I think the supreme court did exactly the right thing and did it wisely.  They had a split decision but not along the same lines as usual.  That way they tried to keep the appearance of being a little more nonpartisan.  They upheld the idea that the government can make you pay for things that support the greater good.   They also called that a tax which is really what it is.  

The republicans are going ape over the idea this is an unprecedented tax and government control.  If that's the case, what the hell is medicare?   If the supreme court had struck down this law, they in essence would have struck down medicare.  I think they get that.  Smart thing not to go there.

Republicans are little children that like to say "we won so thats the way things are".  (See: Wisconsin, or the House).  In this case, you lost - suck it up.

Friday, June 22, 2012

A horse is a horse, of course, of course...

unless it's an olympic athlete.  Hey, I think that it's cool that the horse can perform.  I don't think it's cool that the Romney's can take a SEVENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLAR tax deduction as a "business loss" for owning the horse.

I ~know~ that Ann Romney has used horse riding - don't know if it is ~that~ horse - as a treatment for her MS.  Awesome, I'm glad that helps.  That is a deduction - medical treatment.  I have friends who have done the same.  Of course, insurance doesn't cover horse riding, generally, so you have to have some financial dedication to take that on.  And I doubt - very, very seriously doubt - that most MS sufferers actually BUY an olympic-trained show horse for their treatment.

That's the kind of thing that, I'd guess, maybe %1 of the people in the country would think of doing.

Always good to know where people stand

A few ideas on where I'll be trying not to spend money.

What the Hell Is Goin' On

Paul Thorn Band - What the Hell Is Goin' On

A few years ago, my wife wanted to drag me to some dump to see a guy play that I'd never heard of and whose only song she could remember was something about "whup' somebody's ass".  Sounded ~real~ pleasant.

Boy, was I in for a surprise.

Not only was it the best concert experience I'd ever had (my apologies for ever disparaging "Knuckleheads" in Kansas City), but I absolutely LOVE the music!

Check this guy out if you have any adventurous spirit left.  Hope you love it, too!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Headline: Bush-era agents started "Fast and Furious" technique

What the hell will the Republicans come up with next?  Obviously, not the truth.  To quote Uncle Jack, they "can't handle the truth".  The TRUTH is that the investigative technique of allowing guns to get to bad guys was experimented with at least twice under George Bush.  Hello?

So, when a someone like Republican Representative Darrell Issa accuses the White House of intentionally letting the guns go in order to "promote an assault weapons ban", you know that he's completely talking out of his ass. He backs that up by saying "Many think so. And they haven't come up with an explanation that would cause any of us not to agree,"  I say this:

The ATF agents FUCKED UP.  That's the explanation.  They thought they were doing something clever, which they had done before under GW, and it didn't work.  That's the explanation.  Or maybe....

My new theory:  The Republicans tipped off the drug cartels to the ATF operation in order to undermine Obama.  The plan went bad when border agent Brian Terry was killed, so they had to back off in order to avoid being exposed.  Now, enough time has passed for them to cover their tracks, and it's an election year, so they are pulling this back out at this point.  I'd believe it, and no one has said that it wasn't a vast Republican conspiracy against Obama, and the Republicans are known for conspiring against Obama, so it must be true.  Right?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fighting fire...

... with Free Enterprise.   Why do we let big government fight fires?  They can't do anything right, and why should we all pay for it?  Darn Socialist-leaning good for nothings, all those people who let big brother do their firefighting for them!   Right, Republicans?

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Just thinking

I downloaded the android app so I could post more stream of consciousness.   We'll have to see how much more consciousness I have ...