Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Millionaire individuals are NOT "job creators".  Quit SAYING that.  Stop it.  Letting a millionaire keep the tax break that they have had since the Bush cuts went into effect won't create more jobs.  Millionaires are only spending the money they need to spend.  Why would they spend more?

If you give people MORE MONEY AT THE BOTTOM, they will SPEND it, which will create DEMAND, which will then make businesses HIRE PEOPLE, which CREATES JOBS.  Then more people will have more money, which they will spend, etc.

Giving money to the top and hoping it works its way to the bottom has an old name - "Trickle Down Economics".  No one seems to use that phrase anymore, but that was the principal.  It didn't work.  It made the rich richer and the poor poorer.  No wonder the rich really like that plan.  And take note of who is most heartily defending it.

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